Sunday, January 2, 2011

Will the tablet replace laptops or smartphones?

Whenever I manage to convince myself that I do not need a tablet, something comes up which makes me think otherwise. Natalie Morris New Years tweet reads "I am so grateful for 2010! Husband, baby, family, friends, viewers, and health. Oh and the iPad too. Here is to more of the same in 2011!"

So, as I am prone to do when unsure I read. I found a very interesting article on CNBC“People are already carrying two screens, and I don’t see it going to a third,” says Rob Enderle, principal analyst for the Enderle Group. “The tablet is going to have to replace one of them and most of us think it could replace the laptop. x x x "'Making a decision to purchase (a tablet) becomes a lot easier when you know this isn’t just another work device. Tablets can be a lot more accessible than a smartphone or laptop for travelers.' However, most experts agree that the tablet as it currently stands is not a very good content creation device, which is what many business road warriors need most."

Do you consider a tablet as additional tool to add to your smartphone and laptop combo, or will it replace one or the other?

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