Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Month five on the Smart Unlimited Data Plan

Just a short post for tonight. In the past three months I have incurred mobile browsing charges of between Php20 to Php50 per month on my Smart Unlimited Data Plan. I got my bill for the month of May-June 2010, I incurred zero data charges on my unlimited plan. Cool!


  1. I subscribed to Unlimited Data Plan 1500, I am just waiting for the approval.
    Are you allowed to use the facebook apps of android or will it be billed on top?
    I was also wondering if I could use tethering and be billed on top. I am thinking that I could use the wifi hotspot feature for emergencies when I need to hook up my laptop for work.

  2. Thanks for the reply. I will try the tethering once my plan is approved. I do hope it will go on top of the bill rather than count it against the 1.5Gb cap.

    Another question: are there Android apps available for yahoo messenger that will not be billed?

  3. Thanks for the information. I will try the tethering once I have it.

  4. has ayone tried the tethering?

  5. Hi Pyroleus, have you tried tethering?
